Importance of Subhas Chandra Bose in 21st Century

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Maximum of us are not aware of , how India became free from British , we do not know how much pain suffering and sacrifice is there behind our freedom! Our History books say that we got freedom because of sympathy of the British power and because of peaceful movements ! Like if a root of the tree is not present , the tree will not grow ! Same ! If we people of India do nit know their real past , the future will be destruction of India ! The ideology and ideal followed by Swami Vivekananda and Subhas Chandra Bose are much similar ! We from our childhood are not given these ideals ! Our freedom struggle in school books only contain the peaceful struggles , for these reasons the generations think that everything is very easy achievable , they have forgotten what is sacrifice and hard work !


The Indian Politics is today has only become a corrupted place of dirty games , Netaji in his time told that involvement of youths in Indian politics is important for the betterment of the nation , because fresh and moral minds are important for the growth of Nation , but now politics has been poisoned by some greedy leaders , from a way of betterment of Nation it has become a way to destroy the nation , this is a prime reason , for which young minds are neither interested in knowing their real past , nor they show any interest in National matters . The generations are becoming corrupted , this is because of the education system , the education is giving theoretical information , but moral education is not there ! The youths only run behind power , name , and money , marks only matters ! The only reason is , lack of moral education ! This education system is making man but not making human ! Rich are becoming more rich poor are becoming more poor.

Another factor is Bhakti , we ourselves have forgotten the pure Sanatan dharma , which shows real equality , we think that being a nastik makes us heroes and strong ! But its wrong , believe in God , increases believe in ourselves , therefore believe in God , believe in ourselves , is very important ! If we forget our spiritual origin , then India will be destroyed ! This is what Netaji had repeated. Subhas Chandra Bose had shown all these instincts in him . Therefore he is one of the ideal man , who is important in this time , Not for only India , but for the whole world.


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