Political Ideology of Netaji

Credit- Ishan Ghosh

Many fail to understand Netaji’s political ideology , or it will be better to say ideology to reconstruct and maintain India. This is very much relevent in Today’s world . Presidential address at all India trade union congress session in Calcutta on 4 July 1931 Subhas said : I have no doubt in my mind that the salvation of India as of the world , depends on socialism. Subhas however accepted socialism to tackle the economic question from the point of view of the masses , the majority of whom are poor . He however , never accepted socialism as the last stage in human progress , for he held : unless we are at the end of the process of evolution or unless we deny evolution altogether , there is no reason to hold that our choice is restricted .

According to Subhas India should evolve a system of that would be synthesis of systems in vogue in different parts of the world . He said : it would be foolish for any one to say that any one system represents the last stage in human progress .

As students of philosophy you will admit that human progress can never stop and out of the past experience of the world we have to produce a new system . Therefore , we in India will try to work out a synthesis of the rival systems and try to embody the good points of both . ‘ it is perhaps interesting to note in a press statement issued on December 19 , 1933 , Pandit Jawahrlal Nehru said : ‘ I do believe that fundamentally the choice before the world today is one between some form of communism and some form of fascism , and I am all for the former , that is communism . Criticizing Jawahrlal , Subhas remarked : The view expressed here is , according to the writer , fundamentally wrong …. Whether one believes in Hegelian or Bergsonian or any other theory of evolution in no case we need to think that creation is at an end.

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